Pilot project plan of the Technical committee of Energy and Renewable Energy
EAMC Meeting in Crete –Greece on May 12th and 13th, 2017
In continuation of the discussions held on 20th and 21st of January in Rome within EAMC meeting and the TC of Energy and renewable Energy, I am pleased to submit hereunder, on behalf of this technical committee, a plan for enhancing a common EAMC project involving the 4 Technical committees as following:
1-Main Goal: To Establish a common “Research or pilot project “in a Mediterranean city covering specific topics where the 4 committees will be involved in, with the commitment and participation of each EAMC member in order to apply at a short-term, as internally discussed and agreed in the E & RE committee, for a funding program from the European Commission involving EU and non EU countries.
2-Modalities: Energy and Renewable Energy sector is totally linked to sustainable Infrastructure aiming for a “clean” Environment towards building capacity with Educational training tools and intensive awareness campaigns, leading the way to a total working synergy between the 4 committees.
3-Field and location: Could be, as a suggestion, a project orientated towards the possible partial implementation of a “smart city” structure(Topic to be discussed further and define the right necessary applications ) based on the example of a successful existing project or related research works achieved in one Mediterranean European city, if available, to be then developed through EAMC organization, for a future possible implementation in one non-European Mediterranean city, in case this procedure will be approved by EAMC Executive board.
4-Sectors: In my opinion, three sectors are mainly concerned within a “smart city” concept: Innovation, Urban Infrastructure, and Governance. Let us focus, for example, on the 2 first ones
Walid El BABA
Chairman of TC E & RE